OUr pRograMs


OccupaTional and beHavioR TheRapY

We are excited to offer OT and ABA provided by Ride the Wave Therapy Services! These therapies are client centered and designed individually for teens on the spectrum and other common diagnoses such as Aspergers, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety & Depression disorders, and Tourette's Syndrome, to name a few. Ride the Wave also offers their Core Boxing Program at Independence Youth Center, a therapeutic boxing program with a professional boxing coach and an OT practitioner on site for every class. Medicaid insurances and Gardiner Scholarship accepted. Contact Us today to learn more!


GuIded VirTual ScHool

For those teens on the Autism spectrum, or for those who traditional middle and high schools are not a good fit, we offer guided virtual school at Independence Youth Center. During school hours, students log on to their designated virtual program, and complete work at the center with the help and guidance of our special education teacher. School days are structured with work blocks, sensory and movement breaks, snack, lunch and social time. OT is also provided during school hours for those who qualify.


MeNtor ProgRam

The Mentor Program is a free service offered to any teen who wishes to join, as spots in the program become available. Professional members of the community offer their guidance and mentorship based on experience in their chosen field. Mentees are educated on how to achieve their goals and start down the path towards careers in their chosen fields. Hands on experience and field observations help them get acquainted with the ins and outs of different careers. Mentors can also help with researching college programs and applying for schools and scholarships. Our mentors are background and reference checked, and are overseen by our program directors when working with mentees. Career fields available in The Mentor Program include Music Production, Visual and Theater Arts, Political Science, Real Estate, Finance and the stock market, Health Sciences, Business and Entrepreneurship, Veterinary Medicine and more! Contact us today to volunteer as a mentor or to learn more about the program.


liFe SKills TraiNing

Let's face it, getting teens to become more independent with laundry, cooking, cleaning, grooming, driving and other daily life skills tasks can be a real drag. At Independence Youth Center, our Life Skills lab is equipped with all of the above, and we aim to make it fun while establishing healthy life skills habits. Our Life Skills "apartment" is equipped with a washer and dryer, a grooming station, beds and closets, a mini kitchen, and tons of cleaning supplies to help your teen with establishing functional, independent life skills. Rewards from mastering Life Skills tasks include free time in our gym, including the rock wall, boxing area, swings, and aerial silks!


SociAl and PeeR SuppoRt

Independence Youth Center is proud to be a safe place for teens on the spectrum, as well as those in the LGBTQIA community in need of a place to socialize and obtain support from their community. Our peer and support groups strive to create a unity that your teen and your family feel welcomed and comfortable at. Parent support groups, peer lead groups, and time helping out in the monthly store are a few of the activities we offer on a continuous basis. Click here to check out our monthly schedule, or contact us today to set up a time to stop by!